if { [array get env os_type] != "" } { set os $env(os_type) } if { [string compare $os "windows"] != 0 } { } puts "==================================" puts "BUC60569" puts "OCC597" puts "==================================" puts "It takes visual check for this BUG" puts "==================================" puts "" restore [locate_data_file buc60569a.rle] result tclean result vinit vhighlightselected 0 checkshape result BUC60569 result vfit vselect 250 190 vselect 180 350 1 vmoveto 250 190 set x_coord 335 set y_coord 331 checkcolor $x_coord $y_coord 0.8 0.8 0.8 if {$stat != 1} { puts "Error : The right face is highlighted by Move To command." } set only_screen 1