puts "============" puts "0031650: Visualization - invalid picking of object with local transformation and per-object clipping plane" puts "============" puts "" pload XDE MODELING VISUALIZATION vclear vinit View1 vaxo box b -28 -11 -35 20 20 42 vdisplay -dispMode 1 -highMode 1 b vsetlocation b 0 0 20 vfit catch {vclipplane -delete p} # global clipping vclipplane p -equation 0 0 -1 -10 -set vmoveto 205 205 if { [vreadpixel 205 320 -name -rgb] != "DARKGOLDENROD" } { puts "Error" } # local clipping vclipplane p -equation 0 0 -1 -10 -set b vmoveto 205 205 if { [vreadpixel 205 320 -name -rgb] != "DARKGOLDENROD" } { puts "Error" } vdump ${imagedir}/${casename}.png