puts "=============" puts "0030437: Visualization, TKV3d - add Draw command to print rendering statistics" puts "=============" pload MODELING VISUALIZATION vclear vinit View1 set THE_NB_POINTS 10 puts "Creating [expr $THE_NB_POINTS * $THE_NB_POINTS * $THE_NB_POINTS] points..." for {set i 0} {$i < $THE_NB_POINTS} {incr i} { for {set j 0} {$j < $THE_NB_POINTS} {incr j} { for {set k 0} {$k < $THE_NB_POINTS} {incr k} { vpoint p$i$j$k 3.*$i 3.*$j 3.*$k } } } vcamera -ortho vfront vfit vzoom 2 set aPointsNb_1 [vstatprofiler points] if [expr $aPointsNb_1 != 160] { puts "Error: unexpected number of not culled points 1" } vcamera -persp vaxo vfit vzoom 3 set aPointsNb_2 [vstatprofiler points] if [expr $aPointsNb_2 != 307] { puts "Error: unexpected number of not culled points 2" }