puts "============" puts "0029791: Visualization - Wrong result of SelectMgr_RectangularFrustum::IsClipped" puts "============" puts "" pload MODELING VISUALIZATION restore [locate_data_file occ/bottle.brep] b vclear vinit View1 vdisplay -dispMode 1 -highMode 1 b vfit vzbufftrihedron vclipplane p -equation 1 0 0 -20 -set # clipping plane orthogonal to the camera direction vfront vfit vmoveto 150 200 vstate -entities vselect 150 200 if { [vreadpixel 150 200 rgb name] != "BLACK" } { puts "Error: object is not clipped" } if { [vreadpixel 350 200 rgb name] != "GOLDENROD1" } { puts "Error: object should NOT be selected" } vdump $imagedir/${casename}_1.png # depth range starts behinds the picking ray vviewparams -scale 14.7435 -proj 0.193921 -0.891229 0.410007 -up -0.0205984 0.414149 0.909976 -at 11.3689 1.32152 24.9954 vmoveto 150 200 vstate -entities vselect 150 200 if { [vreadpixel 150 200 rgb name] != "BLACK" } { puts "Error: object is not clipped" } if { [vreadpixel 300 200 rgb name] != "GOLDENROD1" } { puts "Error: object should NOT be selected" } vdump $imagedir/${casename}_2.png