puts "========" puts "Gradient background is lost at some camera positions" puts "========" # Test case setup the camera in such a position, # so that background plane will be clipped by Z-range if not handled by Z-fit. pload MODELING VISUALIZATION box b 0 0 -100 100 90 10 vclear vinit View1 vaxo vsetgradientbg 180 200 255 180 180 180 2 vzbufftrihedron vdisplay -dispMode 1 b vsetlocation b 0 0 1000 vfit vviewparams -scale 6.66 -eye 48 43 -210 -at 50 45 -95 if { [vreadpixel 100 300 rgb name] != "GRAY74" } { puts "Error: gradient background is not displayed" } vdump $imagedir/${casename}.png