puts "========" puts "Capping plane perserving material" puts "========" set aHatch [locate_data_file images/hatch_1.png] pload MODELING VISUALIZATION puts "Create the geometry" box b0sole 10 10 0 30 30 70 box b0hole 20 20 -10 10 10 90 bcut b0 b0sole b0hole box b1 40 20 0 10 30 70 box b2 20 40 0 20 10 70 box b3 0 40 0 20 10 70 box b4 0 10 0 10 30 70 box b5 0 0 0 30 10 70 set aNbParts 6 set aColors { RED YELLOW GREEN GRAY MAGENTA1 ORANGE } compound b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 cc puts "Create the viewer" vclear vclose ALL vinit name=View1 w=512 h=512 vpoint p0 0 0 0 vzbufftrihedron puts "Display the geometry as dedicated objects" for { set aPartIter 0 } { $aPartIter < $aNbParts } { incr aPartIter } { vdisplay -noupdate -dispMode 1 b${aPartIter} set aColor [lindex $aColors $aPartIter] vsetcolor -noupdate b${aPartIter} $aColor } puts "Display the geometry as sole object" vdisplay -noupdate -dispMode 1 cc for { set aPartIter 0 } { $aPartIter < $aNbParts } { incr aPartIter } { set aColor [lindex $aColors $aPartIter] vaspects -noupdate cc -subShapes b${aPartIter} -setColor $aColor } # show also connected interactive object vconnectto co -70 0 0 cc vsetdispmode co 1 vsetlocation cc 70 0 0 vfit set aPln1Z 40 set aPln2Y 15 vpoint p1 0 0 1 vpoint p2 1 0 1 vpoint p3 0 1 1 vplane pp1 p1 p2 p3 vsetlocation -noupdate pp1 25 0 [expr $aPln1Z - 1] vremove -noupdate p1 p2 p3 vpoint p1 0 1 0 vpoint p2 1 1 0 vpoint p3 0 1 1 vplane pp2 p1 p2 p3 vsetlocation -noupdate pp2 25 $aPln2Y 35 vremove -noupdate p1 p2 p3 verase pp1 pp2 vfit vdisplay pp1 pp2 vzoom 0.8 puts "Enable capping planes" vclipplane pln1 -set -equation 0 0 -1 $aPln1Z -capping 1 -color 0.5 0.5 0.5 -texname $aHatch -texscale 0.02 -0.02 -useObjMaterial 1 vclipplane pln2 -set -equation 0 1 0 [expr -$aPln2Y] -capping 1 -color 0.8 0.8 0.9 -texname $aHatch -texscale 0.02 -0.02