puts "============" puts "OCC27477" puts "============" puts "" #################################################################################### # Visualization - Select3D_SensitiveCircle always return infinite depth value in boundary mode #################################################################################### proc check_output {theInfo} { set aSize [llength $theInfo] for {set i 0} {$i < $aSize} {incr i} { if {[string equal [lindex $theInfo $i] "Depth:"]} { set aDepth [lindex $theInfo [expr $i + 1]] if {[string equal $aDepth "17.5691"]} { return 1 } else { return $aDepth } } } return 0 } pload VISUALIZATION vinit View1 vpoint radP1 0 0 0 vpoint radP2 50 50 0 vpoint radP3 100 0 0 vcircle circle radP1 radP2 radP3 0 vfit vmoveto 177 285 set anOut [split [vstate -entities] "\n"] set anInfo [split [lindex $anOut 1] " "] set aResult [check_output $anInfo] if {$aResult == 1} { puts "OK" } else { puts "ERROR: the depth value is incorrect: should be 17.5691, but is equal to:" puts $aResult } set only_screen 1