puts "========" puts "OCC26566" puts "========" puts "" ################################################################## puts "Visualization - incorrect highlight after selection of owners with auto-highlight disabled" ################################################################## pload VISUALIZATION MODELING XSDRAW vinit # create an object with auto-highlight disabled meshfromstl m [locate_data_file b.stl] vselmode m 8 1 # create an object with auto-highlight enabled box b 100 100 100 vdisplay b vfit # select box vselect 200 200 # select mesh with auto-highlight disabled vselect 290 370 # check that box is drawn with its own color checkcolor 321 128 1 1 0 # check that selection prs for mesh is displayed checkcolor 316 321 0.8 0.8 0.8 vselect 200 200 # check that box is highlighted with selection color checkcolor 321 128 0.8 0.8 0.8 # check that mesh is drawn without selection checkcolor 316 321 0 0 0 checkview -screenshot -3d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png