puts "============" puts "CR26357" puts "============" puts "" ######################################################################### puts "Panning regression after fixing 0026082" ######################################################################### box b 100 100 100 vinit View1 w=400 h=400 vinit View2 w=200 h=400 vinit View3 w=400 h=200 vclear vaxo vdisplay b # Test panning with aspect ratio 1:1 vactivate View1 vfit vpan 200 0 vmoveto 399 200 checkcolor 399 200 0 1 1 vpan -200 0 vmoveto 200 200 checkcolor 200 200 0 1 1 vdump ${imagedir}/${casename}_1.png # Test panning with aspect ratio 1:2 vactivate View2 vfit vpan 100 0 vmoveto 199 100 checkcolor 199 100 0 1 1 vpan -100 0 vmoveto 100 100 checkcolor 100 100 0 1 1 vdump ${imagedir}/${casename}_2.png # Test panning with aspect ratio 2:1 vactivate View3 vfit vpan 200 0 vmoveto 399 100 checkcolor 399 100 0 1 1 vpan -200 0 vmoveto 200 100 checkcolor 200 100 0 1 1 vdump ${imagedir}/${casename}_3.png