puts "============" puts "CR26014" puts "Check that the colored shading shape doesn't have a shading presentation" puts "due to its triangulation isn't computed in case of disabled auto triangulation feature." puts "But in this case the shape should have special wireframe presentation." puts "============" puts "" vinit View1 vclear vaxo vsetdispmode 1 vdefaults -autoTriang off pcone c 0 5 10 vdisplay c vfit explode c F vaspects c -subshapes c_2 -setcolor RED -setLineWidth 4 set aColorWireframe [vreadpixel 200 31 rgb name] set aColorShaded [vreadpixel 180 60 rgb name] vdump $imagedir/${casename}_shape_pres.png if {"$aColorWireframe" != "RED" || "$aColorShaded" != "BLACK"} { puts "Error: presentation of shape is incorrect" }