puts "============" puts "CR25814" puts "Check that the discretization of the sub-shape is identical in shaded and wireframe modes" puts "if the whole shape was already displayed" puts "============" puts "" set aSubShapeTriang $imagedir/${casename}_subshape_triangulation.png set aShapeTriang $imagedir/${casename}_shape_triangulation.png set aDiff $imagedir/${casename}_diff.png pcylinder c 100 350 explode c f vinit View1 w=900 h=900 vclear vsetdispmode 1 vdisplay c_3 vfit vzoom 4 vtranslateview 70 20 0 vmoveto 200 200 vdump $aSubShapeTriang vclear tclean c_3 vdisplay c vfit vclear vdisplay c_3 vfit vzoom 4 vtranslateview 70 20 0 vmoveto 200 200 vdump $aShapeTriang set aDiffRes [diffimage $aSubShapeTriang $aShapeTriang 0.1 0 0 $aDiff] if {$aDiffRes != 0} { puts "ERROR : Test failed: there is a difference between images. Discretization of the sub-shape in wireframe mode is incorrect" }