puts "============" puts "OCC25132" puts "============" puts "" #################################################################################### # Visualization - Capping algorithm not working sometimes #################################################################################### vinit View1 vsetdispmode 1 vclipplane create pln1 vclipplane change pln1 equation 0 1 0 0 vclipplane change pln1 capping on vclipplane set pln1 view Driver1/Viewer1/View1 # Capping should be enabled for the solid with a bounding shell with Closed flag not set restore [locate_data_file OCC25132-flight_solid.brep] fs vdisplay fs vfit vdump $imagedir/${casename}_flight_solid.png vremove fs # Capping should be enabled for the solid with cavities restore [locate_data_file OCC25132-solid_with_cavities.brep] sc vdisplay sc vfit vdump $imagedir/${casename}_solid_with_cavities.png vremove sc # Capping should display a non-manifold solid with an internal open shell correctly restore [locate_data_file OCC25132-Partition_1.brep] p1 vdisplay p1 vfit vdump $imagedir/${casename}_Partition_1.png