puts "============" puts "CR24420: Test for type of sensitivity of AIS_Plane" puts "============" puts "" pload VISUALIZATION set aV "Driver1/Viewer1/View1" vinit name=$aV l=32 t=32 w=400 h=400 vactivate $aV vclear vpoint p1 0 0 0 vpoint p2 1 0 0 vpoint p3 0 1 0 puts "Testing Select3D_TOS_INTERIOR type of sensitivity:" vplane pl1 p1 p2 p3 0 vfit vmoveto 210 210 checkcolor 395 200 0 1 1 if { $stat != 1 } { puts "Error : Select3D_SensitiveFace does not work properly with type of sensitivity Select3D_TOS_INTERIOR!" } verase pl1 puts "Testing Select3D_TOS_BOUNDARY type of sensitivity:" vplane pl2 p1 p2 p3 1 vfit vmoveto 210 210 checkcolor 395 200 0.5 0.8 0.9 if { $stat != 1 } { puts "Error : Select3D_SensitiveFace does not work properly with type of sensitivity Select3D_TOS_BOUNDARY!" } vmoveto 395 200 checkcolor 395 200 0 1 1 if { $stat != 1 } { puts "Error : Select3D_SensitiveFace does not work properly with type of sensitivity Select3D_TOS_BOUNDARY!" }