puts "===========" puts "OCC24224" puts "===========" puts "" ########################################################################## # Suspicious logics in changing clipping planets at OpenGL_Structure ########################################################################## ## centre rectangle set x1_coord 150 set y1_coord 250 ## right rectangle set x2_coord 255 set y2_coord 320 ## left rectangle set x3_coord 73 set y3_coord 150 vinit box b1 0 0 0 10 10 10 box b2 30 0 0 10 40 10 box b3 -30 0 0 20 20 20 vsetdispmode 1 vdisplay b1 b2 b3 vfit ## test view-level clipping vclipplane create pln1 vclipplane change pln1 equation 0 1 0 -5 vclipplane change pln1 capping on vclipplane change pln1 capping color 0.9 0.9 0.9 vclipplane set pln1 view Driver1/Viewer1/View1 checkcolor $x1_coord $y1_coord 0.9 0.9 0.9 checkcolor $x2_coord $y2_coord 0.9 0.9 0.9 ## test sharing of planes between view and object vclipplane set pln1 object b1 ## test object-level clipping vclipplane create pln2 vclipplane change pln2 equation -0.707 0.707 0 -25 vclipplane change pln2 capping on vclipplane change pln2 capping color 0.5 0.5 0.9 vclipplane change pln2 capping hatch on vclipplane set pln2 object b3 checkcolor $x3_coord $y3_coord 0.5 0.5 0.9 set only_screen 1