## It's impossible to make vdump with non-default parameters (width and height) on remote PC puts "============" puts "OCC23813" puts "============" puts "" ####################################################################### # TKOpenGl, OpenGl_Texture ignores stride image property ####################################################################### file delete -force ${imagedir}/texture_412.png file delete -force ${imagedir}/texture_409.png box b 1 2 3 vinit vsetdispmode 1 vdisplay b vfit vdump ${imagedir}/texture_409.png -buffer rgb -width 409 -height 409 vdump ${imagedir}/texture_412.png -buffer rgb -width 412 -height 412 # texture loaded correctly vtexture b ${imagedir}/texture_412.png # texture is corrupted during uploading to OpenGL vtexture b ${imagedir}/texture_409.png checkview -screenshot -3d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png