puts "============" puts "CR23649" puts "============" puts "" ####################################################################### # 0023649: Different behaviour of highlighting after shift selection # It tests highlighting of selected sub-shapes. # This mode is option of interactive context. ####################################################################### set anImage1 $imagedir/${casename}_HighlightFirst.png set anImage2 $imagedir/${casename}_HighlightSecond.png box b 1 2 3 vinit vdisplay b vfit vselmode b 2 1 #select the first edge vselect 232 368 #select the second edge vselect 165 278 1 vmoveto 0 0 #enable 'highlight selected' mode vhighlightselected on #highlight the first edge - it should be highlightable by default vmoveto 232 368 vdump ${anImage1} #highlight the second edge - it should be highlightable by default vmoveto 165 278 vdump ${anImage2}