puts "============" puts "CR23200" puts "Check that the shape is automatic re-triangulated with deflection-check logic" puts "in case of enabled auto triangulation feature (its own triangulation can be lost)." puts "And it keeps its already computed triangulation" puts "in case of disabled auto triangulation feature." puts "============" puts "" set aDefaultShape $imagedir/${casename}_shape.png set aShapeAutoTr $imagedir/${casename}_shape_auto_triangulation.png set aShapeNotAutoTr $imagedir/${casename}_shape_not_auto_triangulation.png vinit View1 vclear vaxo vsetdispmode 1 vdefaults -autoTriang on psphere s 0.5 vdisplay s vfit vdump $aDefaultShape vclear tclean s incmesh s 0.1 -a 45 set tri_info [trinfo s] regexp { +([-0-9.+eE]+) +triangles} $tri_info full triIncmesh1 vdisplay s checktrinfo s -tri !${triIncmesh1} vfit vdump $aShapeAutoTr vclear vdefaults -autoTriang off tclean s incmesh s 0.1 -a 45 set tri_info [trinfo s] regexp { +([-0-9.+eE]+) +triangles} $tri_info full triIncmesh2 vdisplay s checktrinfo s -tri ${triIncmesh2} vfit vdump $aShapeNotAutoTr