puts "========" puts "0026338: STL export (especially binary) needs a lot of time if selected export path is not local" puts "========" puts "" pload MODELING XSDRAW # check that export to STL correctly takes into account shape locations box b1 5 5 5 box b2 5 5 5 ttranslate b2 10 10 10 compound b1 b2 comp incmesh comp 1. # write to binary STL writestl comp $imagedir/${casename}.stl 1 # load STL readstl result $imagedir/${casename}.stl -brep # check that bounding box is bounding result -save Xmin Ymin Zmin Xmax Ymax Zmax -nodraw checkreal "Xmin" [dval Xmin] 0.0 1e-5 0. checkreal "Ymin" [dval Ymin] 0.0 1e-5 0. checkreal "Zmin" [dval Zmin] 0.0 1e-5 0. checkreal "Xmax" [dval Xmax] 15. 1e-5 0. checkreal "Ymax" [dval Ymax] 15. 1e-5 0. checkreal "Zmax" [dval Zmax] 15. 1e-5 0.