# by apn master-master 03.12.2012 #puts "TODO OCC12345 ALL: An exception was caught" #puts "TODO OCC12345 ALL: \\*\\* Exception \\*\\*.*" puts "TODO OCC12345 ALL: Faulty OCC294" puts "TODO OCC12345 ALL: Error : OCC294" #puts "TODO OCC12345 ALL: TEST INCOMPLETE" puts "========================" puts " BUC60906 " puts "========================" cpulimit 3000 pload QAcommands stepread [locate_data_file carcasse_gauche_simpl3.stp] a * tpcompound com set AllEdgesList [explode com e] set list [split ${AllEdgesList}] set NumbEdges [llength ${list}] set delta 0.03 set IsSmallEdges 0 set IsOK 1 for {set i 1} {${i} <= ${NumbEdges}} {incr i} { set i_tolerance [maxtolerance com_${i}] set i_list [split ${i_tolerance} "\n\t"] set i_listLength [llength ${i_list}] if { ${i_listLength} < 7 } then { puts "BUC60906 - Error : i = ${i}" puts "BUC60906 - Error : i_listLength = ${i_listLength}" } set i_EdgeList [lindex ${i_list} 3] set i_MaxEdgeTolerance [lindex [split ${i_EdgeList}] [expr [llength [split ${i_EdgeList}] ] - 2] ] #puts "i_MaxEdgeTolerance = ${i_MaxEdgeTolerance}" if { ${i_MaxEdgeTolerance} > ${delta} } then { set IsSmallEdges 1 puts "Remove ${i}-th small edge with a tolerance of ${delta} mm" if [catch { OCC294 shape_result com com_${i} } result] { puts "Error : OCC294" set IsOK 0 break } renamevar shape_result com } } if { ${IsOK} == 1 } { if { ${IsSmallEdges} == 0 } { puts "Error : here are not small edges" set IsOK 0 } } if { ${IsOK} == 1 } { set fullness [nbshapes com] regexp {VERTEX +: +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $fullness full vert regexp {EDGE +: +([-0-9.+eE]+)} $fullness full edg if { $edg == 0 || $vert == 0 } { puts "Error : it is Faulty result" set IsOK 0 } } if { ${IsOK} == 1 } { fixshape result com ${delta} checkshape result checkshape result r } set 2dviewer 0