puts "============" puts "OCC27804" puts "============" puts "" ################################################################ ## Two breps cause intersections to loop for too long/infinitely ################################################################ # The main idea of the test is performance meter. restore [locate_data_file bug27804_il1.brep] b1 restore [locate_data_file bug27804_il2.brep] b2 bsection result b1 b2 checkprops result -l 0.000335043 checkshape result regexp {nb alone Vertices : ([-0-9.+eE]+)} [checksection result] full nbv if { $nbv != 0 } { puts "Error : Section is incorrect" } set nbshapes_expected " Number of shapes in shape VERTEX : 1 EDGE : 1 WIRE : 0 FACE : 0 SHELL : 0 SOLID : 0 COMPSOLID : 0 COMPOUND : 1 SHAPE : 3 " checknbshapes result -ref ${nbshapes_expected} -t -m "Section curve" checkview -display result -3d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png