puts "========" puts "OCC24627" puts "========" puts "" ###################################### ## Extrema 2d between an arc of circle and an ellipse crashes ###################################### # Make a planar face (for construction of 2 curves). plane p 0 0 0 0 0 1 mkface f p -1000 1000 -1000 1000 # Load an arc of circle and make a 2d arc. restore [locate_data_file bug24627_circle.brep] c explode c e mk2dcurve c2d c_1 f # Load a ellipse and make a 2d ellipse. restore [locate_data_file bug24627_ellipse.brep] e explode e e mk2dcurve e2d e_1 f # Compute extrema points for these two 2d curves. 2dextrema c2d e2d