puts "========" puts "OCC253" puts "========" ###################################################### ## Exception while segment operation on periodic BSpline curve. ## More over it seems that command segment in Draw doesnot work. ###################################################### restore [locate_data_file OCC253.draw] result ############### checkshape c1 # is not a topological shape smallview -2D- #store dump of initial curve set init_dump [dump result] set ufirst 0.500000000000006 set ulast 1.00000000015925 catch { segment result $ufirst $ulast } #compare dump of initial curve and dump of result one set result_dump [dump result] if { $init_dump == $result_dump} { puts "Faulty OCC253: command segment does NOT do anything" } #retrieve amount of knots of result curve from dump regexp { +Degree +[-0-9.+eE]+, +[-0-9.+eE]+ +Poles, +([-0-9.+eE]+) +KnotsPoles +:} $result_dump full KnotsNumber #create string to be found in result dump set trueLastKnot "$KnotsNumber : 1 4" #verify parametrization of result curve if { [regexp "1 : 0.5 4" $result_dump] && [regexp $trueLastKnot $result_dump]} { puts " OCC253 is OK: command segment works properly" } else { puts "Faulty OCC253: parametrization of result curve is wrong" } 2dfit checkview -display result -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png