puts "================" puts "OCC23244" puts "================" puts "" ####################################################################### # Bug of BRepClass_FaceClassifier: it does not take into account the tolerance ####################################################################### set BugNumber OCC23244 restore [locate_data_file OCC23244-comp.brep] a explode a explode a_1 smallview donly a_1_2 a_3 fit mkpoint p3 a_3 projponf a_1_2 p3 point pp3 69.220445243320853 1216.6123701316949 set result [split [b2dclassify a_1_2 pp3 1.e-5] ] set ll [llength ${result}] if {${ll} < 4} { puts "Bad format of bclassify draw-command; Faulty ${BugNumber}" } else { if { [regexp "ON" $result] == 1 } { puts "OK ${BugNumber}" } else { puts "Faulty ${BugNumber}" } }