puts "==========" puts "OCC705 " puts "==========" puts "" ########################################################### ## The matrix of inertia for sphere computed incorrectly. ## In the secod case the not diagonal elements of the inertia matrix are not close to zero. ########################################################### psphere result 10 10 10 ttranslate result 10 10 10 trotate result 0 0 0 0 1 1 34 set list [vprops result] set inertia [regexp -all -inline { +[-0-9.+eE]+ +[-0-9.+eE]+ +[-0-9.+eE]+} $list] set matrix [regexp -all -inline {[-0-9.+eE]+} $inertia] set matrix12 [lindex $matrix 1] set matrix21 [lindex $matrix 3] set matrix23 [lindex $matrix 5] set matrix32 [lindex $matrix 7] if { ${matrix12} != 0. || ${matrix21} != 0. || ${matrix23} != 0. || ${matrix32} != 0. } { puts "Faulty OCC705" } else { puts "OCC705 OK" } set length 123.755 set 2dviewer 0