if { [array get env os_type] != "" } { set os $env(os_type) } if { [string compare $os "windows"] == 0 } { puts "TODO OCC12345 ALL: An exception was caught" puts "TODO OCC12345 ALL: \\*\\* Exception \\*\\*.*" } else { puts "TODO OCC12345 ALL: Tcl Exception: result is not a topological shape!!!" } puts "TODO OCC12345 ALL: TEST INCOMPLETE" puts "========================" puts " OCC469 " puts "========================" puts "" ###################################################### ## It's impossible to fuse the two shapes in the file attached. #2740, SAM1493 ###################################################### restore [locate_data_file OCC469.brep] a explode a checkshape a_1 checkshape a_2 bfuse result a_1 a_2 puts [checkshape result] set check_square 1 set square 10 set 2dviewer 0