puts "================" puts "OCC130" puts "================" puts "" ###################################################### ## Draw Environment: No intersection found between a specific surface and a line ###################################################### restore [locate_data_file OCC130.brep] sh puts [checkshape sh] line l -120 -100 400 0 0 1 mksurface surf sh ############## checkshape surf # - not a topological shape if [catch {intersect res l surf } result] { set mistake 1 } else { set mistake 0 } if { $mistake == 0} { puts "OCC130 OK : intersection found between a specific surface and a line" puts "" set nom 0 set j 1 repeat 10 { set che [whatis res_$j] set err [lindex $che [expr [llength $che] - 1]] if { $err != "point"} { break } else { set nom [expr $nom + 1] } incr j} if { $nom != 2 && $nom != 0} { puts [format "Faulty OCC130: Intersection was made WRONGLY: %s points" $nom] } else { puts [format "OCC130 OK : Intersection command works properly: %s points" $nom] } } else { puts "Faulty OCC130 : NO intersection found between a specific surface and a line" }