puts "================" puts "OCC119" puts "================" puts "" box a 100 100 100 explode a e set mistake 0 if [catch {blend result_1 a 50 a_10 50 a_5 50 a_12 50 a_3 } catch_result] { set mistake 1 } else { set mistake 0 } if { ${mistake} == 1} { puts " 1) OCC119 OK: BLEND was NOT created and suitable except was given." } else { puts "1) OCC119 OK: function BLEND works without suitable except" puts [checkshape result_1] explode result_1 e if { [catch {blend result_2 result_1 50 result_1_20 50 result_1_22 50 result_1_10} catch_result] } { puts "2) Faulty OCC119: BLEND was NOT created" } else { puts "2) BLEND OCC199 OK: BLEND was created" puts [checkshape result_2] } set che [checkshape result_2 r] if { [regexp {OK} $che] != 1 } { puts "Faulty : mistakes are found in shape by checkshape command after BLEND command" puts " Body of the scripts was not executed !" } else { puts "Checking by checkshape - OK" vinit vdisplay result_2 vsetdispmode result_2 1 vfit explode result_2 e blend result result_2 50 result_2_20 50 result_2_22 50 result_2_10 set only_screen 1 } }