puts "=======================================================" puts "0031858: Modeling Algorithms - boolean operation crash between the given cylinder and torus." puts "=======================================================" puts "" pcylinder c 500 200 plane p -2.31895142368858e-15 -4.49296838339662e-15 200 0 0 1 ptorus t p 449.367136080235 50.6328639197654 bfuzzyvalue 1.e-6 bnondestructive 1 brunparallel 1 setfillhistory 0 bclearobjects bcleartools baddobjects c baddtools t bfillds bbop r0 0 bbop r1 1 bbop r2 2 bbop r3 3 bbop r4 4 bbuild rgf boptions -default foreach r {r0 r1 r2 r3 r4 rgf} { checkshape $r if {![regexp "OK" [bopcheck $r]]} { puts "Error: the $r is a self-interfering shape" } } checknbshapes r0 -wire 3 -face 2 -shell 1 -solid 1 -t checkprops r0 -s 735041 -v 1.13701e+07 checknbshapes r1 -wire 4 -face 4 -shell 1 -solid 1 -t checkprops r1 -s 2.36232e+06 -v 1.6845e+08 checknbshapes r2 -wire 4 -face 4 -shell 1 -solid 1 -t checkprops r2 -s 2.36232e+06 -v 1.45709e+08 checknbshapes r3 -wire 3 -face 2 -shell 1 -solid 1 -t checkprops r3 -s 735041 -v 1.13701e+07 checkprops r4 -l 5646.91 checksection r4 -r 0 checknbshapes rgf -wire 7 -face 6 -shell 3 -solid 3 -t checkprops rgf -s 3.8324e+06 -v 1.6845e+08 checkview -display r0 -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png