puts "=================================================================" puts "OCC31470: BOP common produces empty result (box and holed sphere)" puts "=================================================================" puts "" plane pln1 51.899912462 99.996691888 62.33204004 psphere s1 pln1 15 psphere s2 pln1 10 bcut ss s1 s2 box bb 100 100 100 bcommon result bb ss savehistory hh explode ss f modified ff hh ss_1 generated ee hh ss_1 checkshape result checknbshapes result -solid 1 -shell 1 -face 3 -wire 6 -edge 8 -vertex 6 set tolres [checkmaxtol result] if { ${tolres} > 2.e-7} { puts "Error: bad tolerance of result" } checkprops result -v 4975.49 v2d pcurve pc ee ff trim pc pc 2dfit checkview -screenshot -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png