puts "========" puts "0031462: Modeling Algorithms - BOP result depends on the arguments order" puts "========" puts "" restore [locate_data_file bug31462_obj.brep] s1 restore [locate_data_file bug31462_tools.brep] s2 tcopy s1 obj tcopy s2 sx bclearobjects bcleartools baddobjects obj eval baddtools [explode sx] bfillds bsplit result1 checkshape result1 if {![regexp "This shape seems to be OK" [bopcheck result1]]} { puts "Error: self-interfering result" } checknbshapes result1 -wire 19 -face 18 -shell 3 -solid 2 checkprops result1 -s 103.955 -v 38.7982 tcopy s1 obj tcopy s2 sx bclearobjects bcleartools baddobjects obj explode sx baddtools sx_4 sx_5 sx_6 sx_3 sx_2 sx_1 bfillds bsplit result2 checkshape result2 if {![regexp "This shape seems to be OK" [bopcheck result2]]} { puts "Error: self-interfering result" } checknbshapes result2 -ref [nbshapes result1] checkprops result2 -equal result1 checkview -display result1 -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png