puts "=======================================================" puts "0031404: Modeling Algorithms - BOP Fuse produces a self-interfering or a good shape depending on the order of arguments" puts "=======================================================" puts "" psphere sph1 25 plane pln2 32, 68, -27 psphere sph2 pln2 75 bfuse f1 sph1 sph2 savehistory h1 bfuse f2 sph2 sph1 savehistory h2 explode sph1 f modified ff1 h1 sph1_1 modified ff2 h2 sph1_1 foreach r {f1 f2} { checkshape $r if {![regexp "OK" [bopcheck $r]]} { puts "Error: the $r is a self-interfering shape" } if { [checkmaxtol $r] > 2.e-7 } { puts "Error: $r has bad tolerance" } } checknbshapes f1 -wire 3 -face 2 -edge 9 -vertex 6 checknbshapes f2 -wire 3 -face 2 -edge 9 -vertex 6 checkprops f1 -s 74192.6 checkprops f2 -s 74192.6 view 1 -2D- 0 200 500 300 pcurve ff1 pcurve ff2 2dtranslate ff2_6 pi 0 donly ff1_6 ff2_6 2dfit checklength ff1_6 -l 7.167 checklength ff2_6 -l 7.167 checkview -screenshot -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png