puts "" puts "==========================================================================" puts "OCC31016: Projection of an ellipse or a circle is a B-spline in some cases" puts "==========================================================================" puts "" set startPar 1 set endPar 4.5 ellipse c 0 0 0 0.866025403784439 0 0.5 0.5 0 -0.866025403784439 20 10 trim c c $startPar $endPar plane p 0 0 0 0 0 1 projonplane r c p 0 if {![regexp {Circle} [dump r]]} { puts "ERROR: Projected curve is not a circle" } # calculate a parametric shift on the projected curve set pnt [ProjectCurvePointToPlaneAlongDir c $startPar p] trim ru r parameters ru [lindex $pnt 0] [lindex $pnt 1] [lindex $pnt 2] 0.1 shift if {[CheckProjectionToPlane 100 c $startPar $endPar r [dval shift] [expr $endPar-$startPar+[dval shift]] p]} { puts "" puts "OK: All sample points are projected correctly" puts "" } else { puts "" puts "ERROR: Projection is incorrect for some points" puts "" }