puts "TODO OCC30794 ALL: Faulty shapes in variables" puts "TODO OCC30794 ALL: Error : The area of result shape is" puts "TODO OCC30794 ALL: Error : The volume of result shape is" puts "TODO OCC30794 ALL: Error : is WRONG because number of" puts "========" puts "0030794: BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell: shape is produced with artifacts" puts "========" puts "" restore [locate_data_file bug30794_shapes1.brep] c explode c mksweep c_1 addsweep c_2 buildsweep result -C -S checkshape result checkprops result -s 1.24302e+06 -v 5.64101e+06 checknbshapes result -wire 14 -face 14 -shell 1 -solid 1 -t checkview -display result -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png