puts "========" puts "0030396: Infinite recursion during ShapeFix after BRepAlgoAPI_Cut" puts "========" puts "" # With this order of tools the operation produced bad result set list(1) {a_2 a_3 a_4 a_5 a_6 a_7} # With this order of tools the operation produced good result set list(2) {a_6 a_2 a_7 a_3 a_4 a_5} set nbw {33 23 29 0} set nbf {33 17 23 0} set nbsh {6 1 1 0} set nbso {6 1 1 0} set vol {3.24433 11.1953 7.95093 empty} set area {25.9962 58.8635 53.1541 empty} set nameop {common fuse cut cut21} bfuzzyvalue 1e-2 bnondestructive 1 for {set i 1} { $i <= 2} {incr i} { restore [locate_data_file bug30396.brep] a explode a bclearobjects bcleartools baddobjects a_1 eval baddtools $list($i) bfillds for {set iop 0} {$iop < 4} {incr iop} { set oper [lindex $nameop $iop] bbop r_${i}_$oper $iop checknbshapes r_${i}_$oper -wire [lindex $nbw $iop] -face [lindex $nbf $iop]\ -solid [lindex $nbso $iop] -shell [lindex $nbsh $iop] checkprops r_${i}_$oper -v [lindex $vol $iop] -s [lindex $area $iop] checkshape r_${i}_$oper if {![regexp "OK" [bopcheck r_${i}_$oper]]} { puts "Error: result $i of $oper is self-interfered shape" } } } boptions -default checkview -display r_1_cut -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png