puts "========" puts "0030150: Modeling Algorithms - Removal of BRepAlgo_BooleanOperations and BRepAlgo_DSAccess classes" puts "========" puts "" box b1 10 10 10 explode b1 f shape sx Sh foreach f [lrange [explode b1 f] 0 4] { add $f sx } box b2 -50 -50 30 100 100 10 explode b2 f draft r1 sx 0 0 1 0.2 b2 draft r2 sx 0 0 1 0.2 b2_6 draft r3 sx 0 0 1 0.2 b2 -OUT foreach r {r1 r2 r3} { checkshape $r if {![regexp "OK" [bopcheck $r]]} { puts "Error: $r is self-interfered shape" } } checkprops r1 -s 25319.3 -v 105060 checknbshapes r1 -vertex 20 -edge 32 -wire 16 -face 15 -shell 1 -solid 1 checkprops r2 -s 11977.8 checknbshapes r2 -vertex 16 -edge 24 -wire 11 -face 10 -shell 1 -solid 0 checkprops r3 -s 1975.12 -v 5059.99 checknbshapes r3 -vertex 12 -edge 20 -wire 10 -face 10 -shell 1 -solid 1 checkview -display r3 -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png