puts "==============================================================" puts "OCC29955: Face and Solid BOP: Building 2D curve of edge on face is failing" puts "==============================================================" restore [locate_data_file bug29955_o.brep] o restore [locate_data_file bug29955_t.brep] t bclearobjects bcleartools baddobjects o baddtools t bfillds bbop r0 0 bbop r2 2 bbop r4 4 bsplit result foreach r {r0 r2 r4} { checkshape $r if {![regexp "OK" [bopcheck $r]]} { puts "Error: the result of BOP is self-interfering shape" } } checknbshapes r0 -wire 1 -face 1 checkprops r0 -s 3.62288e-006 checknbshapes r2 -wire 1 -face 1 checkprops r2 -s 6.47633e-007 checknbshapes r4 -vertex 4 -edge 4 checkprops r4 -l 0.0111863 if {![regexp "nb alone Vertices : 0" [checksection r4]]} { puts "Error: section is not closed" } checkshape result checknbshapes result -wire 2 -face 2 checkprops result -s 4.27051e-006 checkview -display result -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png