puts "========" puts "OCC29887: Wrong result of CUT operation due to incorrect point-face classification" puts "========" puts "" brestore [locate_data_file bug29887_ar_shape_to_cuts.brep] s1 point p 11.633693861603586 -0.88940231049090079 if { ![regexp {IN} [ b2dclassifx s1 p ] ] } { puts "Error : Wrong result of 2d classifier algorithm" } else { puts "OK : Good result of 2d classifier algorithm" } if { ![regexp {IN} [ b2dclassify s1 p ] ] } { puts "Error : Wrong result of 2d classifier algorithm" } else { puts "OK : Good result of 2d classifier algorithm" } smallview -2D- 2dclear display p pcurve s1 2dfit checkview -screenshot -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png