puts "========" puts "0029807: Impossible to cut cone from prism" puts "========" puts "" puts "TODO OCC29883 ALL: Error : is WRONG because number of WIRE entities in shape \"result\" is 10" puts "TODO OCC29883 ALL: Error : is WRONG because number of FACE entities in shape \"result\" is 10" restore [locate_data_file bug29807-obj.brep] b1 restore [locate_data_file bug29807-tool.brep] b2 trotate b2 +23.85857157145715500000 +12.00000000000000000000 +5.50000000000000000000 7 -7.14142842854285 0 -5 trotate b2 +23.85857157145715500000 +12.00000000000000000000 +5.50000000000000000000 7.1414284285428495 7.0000000000000009 -0 20 ttranslate b2 0 0 0.3 bcut result b1 b2 checkshape result checkprops result -v 9465.07 -s 4012.74 checknbshapes result -face 9 -wire 9 if {[regexp "Faulties" [bopargcheck result]]} { puts "Error: bopargcheck has found some faulties in result" } vdisplay result vsetdispmode 1 vviewparams -scale 52.4803 -proj 0.285421 0.0158136 0.958272 -up -0.810772 0.537155 0.232624 -at 29.6172 13.0268 3.82234 -eye 47.7439 14.0311 64.6808 checkview -screenshot -3d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png