puts "========" puts "OCC29387" puts "========" puts "" ################################################# # Incorrect result of cut a face with several shapes ################################################# restore [locate_data_file bug29387_obj.brep] s restore [locate_data_file bug29387_tools.brep] t bclearobjects bcleartools baddobjects s baddctools t bfillds # perform GF operation bbuild rgf checkshape rgf checknbshapes rgf -wire 289 -face 288 -shell 14 -solid 14 -t checkprops rgf -s 529.587 -v 0.604529 # perform CUT operation bbop result 2 checkshape result checknbshapes result -wire 2 -face 1 checkprops result -s 470.719 checkview -display result -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png