puts "====================================================================" puts "OCC28828: New functionalities of BRepFilletAPI_MakeChamfer algorithm" puts "====================================================================" puts "" pcylinder a1 10 50 box a2 -20 -20 -20 40 40 40 nurbsconvert ba2 a2 bfuse b a1 ba2 savehistory hh explode a1 f generated ee hh a1_1 explode ee e explode a1 e donly b a1_1 ee_1 chamf_throat result b a1_1 1. ee_1 2. checkshape result checknbshapes result -solid 1 -shell 1 -face 10 -wire 11 -edge 19 -vertex 12 -shape 55 set tolres [checkmaxtol result] if { ${tolres} > 0.00014} { puts "Error: bad tolerance of result" } checkprops result -v 73639.9 -deps 1.e-7 checkview -display result -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png