puts "TODO OCC28402 ALL: Error: calculation of properties of complex compounds is slow" puts "========" puts "OCC28402" puts "========" puts "" #################################################################### # Modeling - calculation of properties of complex compounds is slow #################################################################### restore [locate_data_file bug28402_hugeassembly.brep] a # just show that shape contains just one solid (box) nbshapes a # now calculate properties chrono s restart vprops a chrono s stop counter "CPU vprops compounds" # now calculate properties simple box box b 100 100 100 chrono s_box restart vprops b chrono s_box stop counter "CPU vprops box" regexp {Elapsed time: +([-0-9.+eE]+) Hours +([-0-9.+eE]+) Minutes +([-0-9.+eE]+) Seconds} [dchrono s show] full a_Hours a_Minutes a_Seconds regexp {Elapsed time: +([-0-9.+eE]+) Hours +([-0-9.+eE]+) Minutes +([-0-9.+eE]+) Seconds} [dchrono s_box show] full b_Hours b_Minutes b_Seconds set a_Time [expr ${a_Hours}*60.*60. + ${a_Minutes}*60. + ${a_Seconds} ] set b_Time [expr ${b_Hours}*60.*60. + ${b_Minutes}*60. + ${b_Seconds} ] if { [expr ${a_Time} / ${b_Time}] > 100. } { puts "Error: calculation of properties of complex compounds is slow" }