puts "TODO OCC28366 ALL: Error: BOP" puts "============" puts "OCC28366" puts "============" puts "" ############################################# # BOP Common fails with solid and planar face ############################################# pload XDE stepread [locate_data_file bug28366_fuselage.stp] a * renamevar a_1 a # Sew all the faces and make a solid. explode a f sewing shell 1.0e-6 a_1 a_2 a_3 a_4 a_5 a_6 a_7 a_8 mkvolume fuselage shell # Make a xy-plane at the origin. plane pln mkface face pln # Try a bcommon set Log_1 [bcommon common face fuselage] if {[regexp "Warning" ${Log_1}] == 1} { puts "Error: BOP Common fails with solid and planar face" } set Log [bopcheck common] if {[regexp "This shape seems to be OK" ${Log}] != 1} { puts "Error: BOP Common fails with solid and planar face" } checkview -display common -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}_common.png # Try bsection set Log_2 [bsection section face fuselage] if {[regexp "Warning" ${Log_1}] == 1} { puts "Error: BOP Section fails with solid and planar face" } set Log [bopcheck section] if {[regexp "This shape seems to be OK" ${Log}] != 1} { puts "Error: BOP Section fails with solid and planar face" }