puts "========" puts "OCC28157" puts "========" puts "" ####################################################################################################################### # Setting the tolerance of a face to a small value and then fixing it leads to a face with vertex-vertex intersections ####################################################################################################################### brunparallel 1 restore [locate_data_file bug28157_init.brep] n whatis n tolerance n checkshape n bopcheck n restore [locate_data_file bug28157_solid.brep] s whatis s tolerance s checkshape s bopcheck s bop s n bopcommon r whatis r explode r whatis r_1 tolerance r_1 settolerance r_1 1e-7 fixshape rr r_1 tolerance rr checkshape rr set Log [bopcheck rr] if {[regexp "This shape seems to be OK" ${Log}] != 1} { puts "Error: there are vertex-vertex intersections" } checkview -display rr -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png