puts "=======" puts "OCC28113: BOPAlgo_Builder produces invalid shape" puts "=======" puts "" restore [locate_data_file bug28113_shapes.brep] s explode s # fix the first shape in compound # 1. exclude s_1_3 from compsolid eval compound [lrange [explode s_1 so] 0 1] [lrange [explode s_1 so] 3 end] comp # fix SI in compound eval mkvolume v [explode comp f] checkshape v checknbshapes v -solid 18 -shell 18 if {![regexp "OK" [bopcheck v]]} { puts "Error: unable to rebuild the shape" } # create Compsolid shape s1 CS foreach s [explode v so] { add $s s1} # perform the operation bclearobjects bcleartools baddobjects s1 baddtools s_2 s_3 s_4 s_5 bfillds bbuild gf bsplit result foreach r {gf result} { checkshape $r if {![regexp "OK" [bopcheck $r]]} { puts "Error: result is a self-interfering shape" } } checknbshapes gf -wire 417 -face 417 -shell 91 -solid 90 checkprops gf -s 259559 -v 690192 checknbshapes result -wire 417 -face 417 -shell 90 -solid 90 checkprops result -s 226564 -v 669028 checkview -display result -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png