puts "# =================================================================" puts "# 0028112: E x c e p t i o n during offset computation" puts "# =================================================================" puts "" puts "# Fixing small faces on first shape..." restore [locate_data_file bug28112_1.brep] shape1 fixsmallfaces fix1 shape1 -1 checknbshapes fix1 -face 4 puts "" puts "# Fixing small faces on second shape..." restore [locate_data_file bug28112_2.brep] shape2 fixsmallfaces fix2 shape2 -1 checknbshapes fix2 -face 4 puts "" puts "# Trying offset on both shapes to ensure that it works after removal" puts "# of small faces" offsetshapesimple res1 fix1 10. offsetshapesimple res2 fix2 10.