puts "==============================================================" puts "OCC27230: Boolean operations fails on attached shapes" puts "==============================================================" puts "" brestore [locate_data_file bug27230_s1.brep] s1 brestore [locate_data_file bug27230_s2.brep] s2 bclearobjects bcleartools baddobjects s1 baddtools s2 bfillds bbop r0 0 bbop r1 1 bbop r2 2 bbop r3 3 bbop r4 4 foreach r {r0 r1 r2 r3 r4} { checkshape $r if {![regexp "OK" [bopcheck $r]]} { puts "Error: the result of BOP is self-interfering shape" } } checknbshapes r0 -wire 10 -face 8 -shell 1 -solid 1 checkprops r0 -s 8224.83 -v 17106.7 checknbshapes r1 -wire 22 -face 18 -shell 1 -solid 1 checkprops r1 -s 75638.3 -v 661141 checknbshapes r2 -wire 16 -face 14 -shell 2 -solid 2 checkprops r2 -s 40609.3 -v 322017 checknbshapes r3 -wire 16 -face 12 -shell 1 -solid 1 checkprops r3 -s 43253.8 -v 322017 checkprops r4 -l 345.256 if {![regexp "nb alone Vertices : 0" [checksection r4]]} { puts "Error: Section is not closed" } checkview -display r1 -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png