puts "========" puts "0025082: bopcommon returns different result on Windows and Linux system" puts "========" puts "" puts "TODO CR29596 ALL: Warning: Intersection of pair of shapes has failed" restore [locate_data_file bug25054_shape1.brep] b1 restore [locate_data_file bug25054_shape2.brep] b2 bclearobjects bcleartools baddobjects b2 baddtools b1 bfillds for {set i 0} { $i <= 4 } { incr i} { bbop r_$i $i checkshape r_$i if {[regexp "Faulties" [bopargcheck r_$i]]} { puts "Error: bopargcheck has found some faulties in r_$i" } } checknbshapes r_0 -solid 1 -shell 1 -face 8 -wire 8 checkprops r_0 -s 0.28083 -v 0.00131782 checknbshapes r_1 -solid 1 -shell 1 -face 20 -wire 20 checkprops r_1 -s 0.28086 -v 0.00132012 checknbshapes r_2 -solid 1 -shell 1 -face 8 -wire 8 checkprops r_2 -s 0.263808 -v 1.1489e-06 checknbshapes r_3 -solid 1 -shell 1 -face 8 -wire 8 checkprops r_3 -s 0.263808 -v 1.1489e-06 checknbshapes r_4 -vertex 12 -edge 18 checkprops r_4 -l 3.47027 checksection r_4 -r 12 # COMMON copy r_0 result checkmaxtol result -min_tol 6.0e-7 checkview -display result -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png