puts "TODO OCC21413 ALL: bad accuracy of approximation" puts "========" puts "OCC23942" puts "========" puts "" ######################################################### # Pipe algorithms unrobust to number rounding ######################################################### # ### 1 # interpol c [locate_data_file bug23942_points.txt] set log [tuyau r_1 c 5] regexp {Accuracy of approximation = ([0-9+-.eE]*)} $log full accuracy if { ${accuracy} > 0.0001} { puts "Error: bad accuracy of approximation" } decho off dlog reset dlog on dump r_1 set info_1 [dlog get] dlog reset dlog off decho on regexp {Degrees :+([-0-9.+eE]+) +([-0-9.+eE]+)} ${info_1} full X Degrees_1 regexp {NbPoles :+([-0-9.+eE]+) +([-0-9.+eE]+)} ${info_1} full X NbPoles_1 regexp {NbKnots :+([-0-9.+eE]+) +([-0-9.+eE]+)} ${info_1} full UKnots_1 VKnots_1 puts "Degrees_1 = ${Degrees_1}" puts "NbPoles_1 = ${NbPoles_1}" puts "UKnots_1 = ${UKnots_1}" puts "VKnots_1 = ${VKnots_1}" # ### 2 # save c ${imagedir}/cc restore ${imagedir}/cc set log [tuyau r_2 cc 5] regexp {Accuracy of approximation = ([0-9+-.eE]*)} $log full accuracy if { ${accuracy} > 0.0001} { puts "Error: bad accuracy of approximation" } decho off dlog reset dlog on dump r_2 set info_2 [dlog get] dlog reset dlog off decho on regexp {Degrees :+([-0-9.+eE]+) +([-0-9.+eE]+)} ${info_2} full X Degrees_2 regexp {NbPoles :+([-0-9.+eE]+) +([-0-9.+eE]+)} ${info_2} full X NbPoles_2 regexp {NbKnots :+([-0-9.+eE]+) +([-0-9.+eE]+)} ${info_2} full UKnots_2 VKnots_2 puts "Degrees_2 = ${Degrees_2}" puts "NbPoles_2 = ${NbPoles_2}" puts "UKnots_2 = ${UKnots_2}" puts "VKnots_2 = ${VKnots_2}" # ### 3 # if {${Degrees_1} != ${Degrees_2}} { puts "Error : Degrees_1 is not equal Degrees_2" } else { puts "OK : Degrees_1 is equal Degrees_2" } if {${NbPoles_1} != ${NbPoles_2}} { puts "Error : NbPoles_1 is not equal NbPoles_2" } else { puts "OK : NbPoles_1 is equal NbPoles_2" } if {${UKnots_1} != ${UKnots_2}} { puts "Error : UKnots_1 is not equal UKnots_2" } else { puts "OK : UKnots_1 is equal UKnots_2" } if {${VKnots_1} != ${VKnots_2}} { puts "Error : VKnots_1 is not equal VKnots_2" } else { puts "OK : VKnots_1 is equal VKnots_2" } checkview -display r_1 -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}_1.png checkview -display r_2 -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}_2.png