puts "========" puts "OCC28189" puts "========" puts "" ################################################# # Result of Boolean operation is non-manifold wire ################################################# restore [locate_data_file bug28189_contour.brep] s restore [locate_data_file bug28189_solid.brep] c bcommon result s c checknbshapes result -vertex 3 -edge 2 -wire 1 checkprops result -l 173.267 # check orientation of edges in the resulting wire explode result e explode result_1 v explode result_2 v set cmp1 [compare result_1_1 result_2_1] set cmp2 [compare result_1_1 result_2_2] if {[regexp "same shapes" $cmp1]} { if {[regexp "equal shapes" $cmp1]} { puts "Error: Incorrect orientation of edges in wire" } } elseif {[regexp "same shapes" $cmp2]} { if {[regexp "equal shapes" $cmp2]} { puts "Error: Incorrect orientation of edges in wire" } } else { puts "Error: No shared vertex" } checkview -display result -2d -path ${imagedir}/${test_image}.png