puts "========" puts "OCC28054" puts "========" puts "" ################################################# # Regression: Class BRepProj_Projection gives invalid result after projection edge based on the line on the conical surface ################################################# set Tol 1.0e-7 dsetsignal 1 restore [locate_data_file bug28054_FaceProj.brep] f1 restore [locate_data_file bug28054_EdgeProj.brep] e1 set ProjList [prj r e1 f1 0 0 1] if { [llength $ProjList] < 1 } { puts "Error: no projections are found" } foreach wir $ProjList { set EdgeList [explode $wir e] foreach ed $EdgeList { set dist 1.0e+100 regexp {Max Distance = +([-0-9.+eE]+)} [xdistef $ed f1] full dist if { $dist > $Tol } { puts "Error in projection. 3D and 2D curves of edge $ed are not same-parameter" } else { puts "OK: Max Distance is less than $Tol" } } }